Basil and Bean Sprout
Vietnam’s national dish is pho. The soup is composed of a long-simmered beef broth, perfumed with spices such as star anise, cinnamon, cloves, etc. The first eight sections of Basil and Bean Sprout are inspired by the sight, feel, smell, and sound of the spices. Sections nine and ten are inspired by basil and bean sprouts, respectively; basil and bean sprouts are integral garnishes to pho and are added to the dish right before serving. Both garnishes provide very delicate yet complex flavors, aromas, and textures to the dish.
Pho originated in northern Vietnam before migrating to the southern regions. The flavor profile of Southern Vietnamese pho is different from the northern style. After the Vietnam War, pho traveled from Vietnam to the United States, where refugees and immigrants had to use American sourced ingredients to make the soup. As a result, American style pho is different from pho produced in Vietnam.
Basil and Bean Sprout is written with inspiration from the migration of pho from its origins to the United States.
Premiered by Allison Damon (trumpet) and Michael Bednarsky (conductor).
“Inched” by Makenna Parks.